Geoff Atkinson Memorial Drivers School & Club Race
by colin
July 18th – 19th @ Summit Point.
Register on MotorsportReg
Hello Racers and Driver School participants. Good news, the event is on! The event is open to participants and crew only – no spectators.
We are expecting a big field of racers. We may need to limit the field to 50 participants so be sure to register early to secure your slot. This event is a designated a North America Challenge Race. This means there will be 4 points races (2 each day), 3 of which will be at 150% points and one at the regular points rate. There will be some extra practice as this is the first club race for the North Atlantic region.
Students and Instructors
Unfortunately social distancing still does not allow us to do in-car instruction so this school will be a new format. There will only be 2 run groups. The first is for A+Advanced/Solo students and Instructors. Students and Instructors will pay to attend and run under student rules. Instructors will not have students and can only give passenger rides to a family member. This group will be limited to 50 participants and we expect to give you more track time than our usual schools. The second student group will be for newly promoted intermediates and beginners. Beginners must have previous track experience. It will be a lead-follow format with a limit of 16 students. In this format, an instructor is assigned to 2 students and they drive together on the track learning the proper line, braking and turn-in points and doing exercises that are often limited in other schools. Acceptance into either group is at the discretion of the Chief Instructor so if you have questions about your eligibility, contact our Chief Instructor
If you have already registered let us know if you still wish to attend. Again Instructors will pay to attend and will not have students.
More details to come – we look forward to seeing you at the track!
Jamie Kavalieros
Driver School Chairman