In Memory of Dave Finch


Dave Finch was as good a friend as the NJ Chapter ever had. Not only was he a loyal companion to us all, he served as former NJ chapter president as well as membership chair and dealership liaison. Dave was also a stalwart supporter of our driver school program, participating as a driver school committee member as well as a driving instructor. 

Smart, soft-spoken, thoughtful, and instinctively generous, Dave and his wife Peggy graciously welcomed the chapter to their home for many events such as board meetings as well as annual chapter picnics that included children’s games, go-karting, and target shooting. For our rally events, his home would often be the final destination. Dave also welcomed all to the expansive shop on his property for those in need of a lift, equipment, and technical expertise. The “Finch Farm” was a byword and integral part of the NJ Chapter for many years. Dave Finch’s friendship and tremendous generosity will be fondly remembered and sorely missed.

June 24 – NJMP – BMW CCA Club Race


Photos by Brian Morgan

NJ Chapter 2023 Westlake School Donation


NJ Chapter 2023 Westlake School Donation

The New Jersey Chapter recently presented a check for $13,000 to the Westlake School of Westfield, NJ. This represents money raised from the club’s annual charity club race and driver school at New Jersey Motorsports Park.

The presentation took place at a meeting of the Union County Educational Services Commission. The club showed a photo retrospective of the past 25 years (compiled by Brian Morgan), during which time the club has donated in excess of $175,000 to Westlake to support purchase of educational materials, computers, adaptive wheelchairs, outfitting a “model apartment” in the school and other activities.

This Special education school is a public elementary and high school within the Union County Educational Services Commission. Westlake provides hands-on educational and therapeutic services to children between the ages of 7-21 diagnosed with multiple disabilities and autism with a goal to develop sensory integration, functional academic, communication, daily living, and social skills and, where appropriate, work training.

Each year, the BMW racers and drivers welcome a group of Westlake students and administrators to watch the races at the event, also providing them track rides, give-aways and other activities. This is a special day for them, which they treasure. The NJ Chapter and our event attendees are proud of the support we are able to provide, which is thanks to the generosity of our sponsors. This year we were thrilled to co-sponsor the race with the New York Chapter and to work with BMW of Manhattan, who attended the event and provided gifts for the students. We invite all club members to attend this year’s event on June 5-6 at Thunderbolt Raceway at NJMP and join in the fun.

Fall 2022: Members Vote In Favor Of New Jersey Chapter BMW CCA Bylaw Revision


At the September 24 BMW NA Cars and Coffee meeting New Jersey Chapter members voted to revise a section of the New Jersey Chapter Bylaws. Previously a vote by 2/3 of those present at an in-person meeting was required to revise the bylaws. Members voting on September 24 agreed to eliminate this requirement by a vote of 85 to 2. As such, the Bylaws can now be revised via an electronic vote, while still requiring a 2/3 majority of those voting. The previous language and the new language in the section of the bylaws approved on September 24 follow.

Original wording
Article IX. Amendments: Section 1. These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a general membership meeting. Notice of said meetings shall contain the subject matter of the proposed changes. The Executive Board or any ten members may cause the Secretary to include such information in the notice to members.

New wording
Article IX. Amendments: Section 1. These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members participating in a special election called by the Executive Board for the purpose of revision. Notice of an election shall contain the subject matter of the proposed changes. The Executive Board may cause the Secretary to include such information in the notice to members. This election was the first step in a process to revise the bylaws. Members will soon receive an announcement of an election to make additional revisions.

Best Regards,
The Bylaw Revision Team
Brian Morgan
Dave Allaway
Larry Engel
Hank Farber
Neil Gambony

NJ Chapter 2021 Westlake School Donation


BMW CCA NJ presents the donation check to the Westlake School from our 2021 season raised at our HPDE and Club Race. Westlake School specializes in serving students with multiple disabilities and hardships. Thank you to all members who help every year for this great school.

Spring 2022 NJMP Recap – From Bill Van Ocker, Chief Instructor


Hi Fellow Track Enthusiasts,

Well…we just wrapped up our first HPDE event for 2022, and I’d like to thank everyone who joined in. Most importantly, to the many students and the dedicated crew of instructors and volunteers that make such an event possible. I know it’s an old saying, “that it takes a village,” but it does, and all of you are part of that community.

I was also pleased that we had quite a few first timers, both young and older. I even had the opportunity to chat with many, and all expressed having a great time. Yes, a few had reserved expressions on their faces first thing in the morning. But everyone had cheerful faces after their first stint on track and glints in their eyes after taking rides with their instructors. I do believe we’ll be seeing many again.

The event also included our ITS (instructor training school) program, where all eight candidates faced the grueling challenge and are now qualified BMWCCA instructors. Many may not know this, but our BMW club has developed and set the highest standard for HPDE instruction. So I’d like to welcome the new graduates to our instructor corps and tell anyone considering an HPDE event you are in absolutely the best hands.

Indeed, the weather threw us quite a mix, from occasional light rain, some sun at times, to a good bit of chilly wind. Aside from that, we had a great weekend of on track fun. What more can you ask for?

Please keep tabs on the events ahead, and I look forward to seeing everyone again soon, and hopefully, many new faces. As I’ve said in the past, I assure you that you’ll have a great time.

Best Regards, Bill Van Ocker

BMW CCA NJ – Chief Instructor

Pick Your Pumpkin Fun Drive


In October 2020, the New Jersey Chapter hosted the inaugural Pick Your Pumpkin fun drive through the scenic farmlands of western New Jersey and along the Delaware River to raise funds for NORWESCAP, a not-for-profit organization providing social services to low-income families in northwest New Jersey. The family-friendly event, which replaced the club’s traditional Whack Your Turkey fun rally, provided participants with an opportunity to enjoy beautiful weather and au-tumn foliage while identifying roadside attractions from the organizers’ list of bad puns and silly clues. The drive through the scenic back roads along the Delaware River drew more than 70 cars and 150 participants, with a mix of longtime and new club members, and raised $1,600 for NORWESCAP.
New Jersey Chapter president Neil Gambony and Helene Meissner, director of the NORWESCAP Food Bank, spoke at the start of the event to thank the participants for their generosity. The New Jersey Chapter’s $3,070 donation will support her organization’s mission to provide food for those in our community who are hungry or at risk of hunger. Each dollar donated allows the NORWESCAP Food Bank to provide fourteen pounds of food for distribution to a local family in need.
The route began in historic Clinton and headed south-west on County Route 513, passing the iconic Red Mill Museum and continuing through bucolic farmlands toward Pittstown and Frenchtown. In Frenchtown, the route passed near the home and retail store once owned by Eat, Pray, Love author Elizabeth Gilbert before turning south on NJ Route 29, following the eastern shore of the Delaware River south through Stockton and Lambertville. The participants’ crossing of the Delaware River in Lambertville over the his-toric New Hope-Lambertville Bridge encountered some congestion, but was much less dramatic than General George Washington’s crossing of the icy Delaware River in December 1776 just a few miles downstream—and definitely not as worthy of memorial-ization by Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze in an oil painting.
From New Hope, the route turned and followed Pennsylvania Route 32 along Delaware Canal State Park on the western shore of the Delaware River toward Riegelsville. Passing the historic Riegelsville Inn—built in 1838 to accommodate weary travelers along the once-bustling Delaware River corridor, and still serving diners in the original stone structure—the group crossed back into New Jersey over the historic Riegelsville Bridge designed and built by the John A. Roebling’s Sons Co. (better known for their design of a certain bridge between Manhat-tan and Brooklyn). Once back on the New Jersey side of the Delaware River, the group continued northeast on County Route 627 through Fines-ville before turning east on New Jersey Route 173 toward Asbury, where the fun drive ended with an outdoor lunch at the Mountain View Chalet.

Scenic Drive – Summer 2020


Hosted by NJ Chapter, DelVal Chapter, and TriState 5ers

Members of the NJ Chapter participated in a family-friendly scenic drive on July 12th over the winding backroads of Somerset, Hunterdon, and Morris counties. The 60-mile long scenic drive, which began and ended at the Hills Village Center in Bedminster, attracted both long-time members and members for whom this was their first chapter event. The event was co-hosted by the NJ Chapter, DelVal Chapter, and the TriState 5ers group to raise funds for NORWESCAP, a not-for-profit organization that provides social services to low-income families in northwest New Jersey.

Attendees who arrived early to grab a coffee before heading out on the scenic drive were treated to an appearance of a very rare 2002 Touring model which did a quick lap of the parking lot to check out more than 30 BMWs across a range of generations and models that gathered at the shopping center in Bedminster. The limitations on activities in place at the time of the event due to the COVID-19 pandemic required all attendees to wear facemasks and adopt social distancing, but neither prevented the group from enjoying the beautiful weather and exploring scenic backroads of central New Jersey.

The convoy headed out from the shopping center and followed the leader (and Google Maps turn-by-turn directions) over winding backroads past the former estate of American auto executive John DeLorean in Bedminster and along the Lamington River in Pottersville en route to Long Valley Pub & Restaurant for lunch. Long Valley Pub & Restaurant accommodated the drivers and passengers with a designated parking area for the group along with a tasty menu of pub favorites served al fresco in the expanded outdoor seating area.

After lunch, the group headed back towards Bedminster on a meandering route over the windy backroads of Chester, Gladstone, and Mendham before taking a quick pause at the Jockey Hollow National Historical Park visitor center to allow the stragglers to re-group. From Jockey Hollow, the group continued onward Summer 2020 New Jersey BMW CCA Bulletin into Harding where the group leader had a near-miss with a groundhog that had wandered into the roadway. Keeping your eyes up isn’t just good practice while driving at the racetrack. Thankfully, the group leader and the cars immediate behind him were able to dodge the obstruction and the marmot scurried back to relative safety in the brush alongside the road.

The group traversed the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge without any further wildlife encounters and passed through Long Hill, Millington, and Bernardsville before returning to the Hills Village Center in Bedminster

Club Happenings – Summer 2020: Scenic Drive Hosted by NJ Chapter, DelVal Chapter, and TriState 5ers


Members of the NJ Chapter participated in a family-friendly scenic drive on July 12th over the winding backroads of Somerset, Hunterdon, and Morris counties. The 60-mile long scenic drive, which began and ended at the Hills Village Center in Bedminster, attracted both long-time members and members for whom this was their first chapter event. The event was co-hosted by the NJ Chapter, DelVal Chapter, and the TriState 5ers group to raise funds for NORWESCAP, a not-for-profit organization that provides social services to low-income families in northwest New Jersey.

Attendees who arrived early to grab a coffee before heading out on the scenic drive were treated to an appearance of a very rare 2002 Touring model which did a quick lap of the parking lot to check out more than 30 BMWs across a range of generations and models that gathered at the shopping center in Bedminster. The limitations on activities in place at the time of the event due to the COVID-19 pandemic required all attendees to wear facemasks and adopt social distancing, but neither prevented the group from enjoying the beautiful weather and exploring scenic backroads of central New Jersey.

Meeting at the Hills Village Center in Bedminster.
Photo by Rich Altman

The convoy headed out from the shopping center and followed the leader (and Google Maps turn-by-turn directions) over winding backroads past the former estate of American auto executive John DeLorean in Bedminster and along the Lamington River in Pottersville en route to Long Valley Pub & Restaurant for lunch. Long Valley Pub & Restaurant accomodated the drivers and passengers with a designated parking area for the group along with a tasty menu of pub favorites served al fresco in the expanded outdoor seating area.

Eye’ll see you at the Long Valley Pub & Restaurant.
Photo by Wade Howard
Taking a break on the scenic drive.
Photo by Wade Howard

After lunch, the group headed back towards Bedminster on a meandering route over the windy backroads of Chester, Gladstone, and Mendham before taking a quick pause at the Jockey Hollow National Historical Park visitor center to allow the stragglers to re-group. From Jockey Hollow, the group continued onward into Harding where the group leader had a near-miss with a groundhog that had wandered into the roadway. Keeping your eyes up isn’t just good practice while driving at the racetrack. Thankfully, the group leader and the cars immediate behind him were able to dodge the obstruction and the marmot scurried back to relative safety in the brush alongside the road.

The group traversed the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge without any further wildlife encounters and passed through Long Hill, Millington, and Bernardsville before returning to the Hills Village Center in Bedminster.

Seeing the variety of BMWs driving past attracted honks from other drivers, waves from pedestrians, and even a new participant who joined in on the fun after seeing all of us drive past his home. All-in-all, it was the perfect weather and gave everyone a chance to get out, enjoy their cars, and make some new friends.

Stay safe and we are excited to see everyone at upcoming events!

Club Happenings – Summer 2020: Scenic Drive Through Delaware Water Gap hosted by eMpower Automotive, Convenience Collision & Auto Repair, and TriState5ers


Do you like BMWs, locally-brewed craft beer, and windy country roads? On June 14th, NJ chapter members participated in a scenic drive through the Delaware Water Gap with stops at three local breweries co-hosted by eMpower Automotive, Convenience Collision & Auto Repair, and the TriState5ers group to support local businesses and raise funds for Good Will Fire Company No. 1 in Belvidere.

Restrictions on indoor activities and social gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic in place at the time of the event required some flexibility, but all of the attendees were happy to make those minor accomodations in order to enjoy the beautiful weather and explore the picturesque country roads of the Delaware Water Gap in their BMWs. The approximately 100-mile long scenic drive began at eMpower Automotive in Belvidere, where approximately 40 BMWs including 2002’s, 750iLs, and a strong showing of 5-Series models from the E28, E34, and E39 generations in both bone stock and heavily modified forms queued up for the drive.

Approximately 40 BMWs including 2002’s, 750iLs, and E28, E34, and E39 5-Series models participated in the scenic drive.
Photo by Taylor Youngblood

From eMpower’s location in Belvidere, the convoy of BMWs (and a handful of BMW owners and enthusiasts who dusted off their classic American iron for the drive) headed west past Good Will Fire Company No. 1, and over the Delaware River into Pennsylvania for the first stop of the scenic drive at Bangor Trust Brewing in Bangor. At Bangor Trust Brewing, the group was welcomed with a selection of their tasty craft beers brewed using organic grist, homegrown hops, and locally-sourced ingredients, including their signature PigEarth ESB and Weizenhiemer Weissebier brews. Beverages had to be served ‘to go’ in glass growlers, but that didn’t prevent us from enjoying the historic downtown architecture along Broadway which provided a terrific background for photos of our cars.

Entering downtown Bangor on the way to Bangor Trust Brewing.
Photo by Taylor Youngblood
My posse’s on Broadway .. in downtown Bangor.
Photo by Taylor Youngblood
Taking over the historic downtown during the first stop on the scenic drive in Bangor.
Photo by Rich Altman

After enjoying the refreshments and scenery, the group headed back across the Delaware River to New Jersey and picked up scenic NJ Route 94 to our second stop at Buck Hill Brewery & Restaurant in Blairstown. The second stop offered all of the participants a chance to grab a farm-to-table lunch and sample Buck Hill’s unique locally-inspired beers made from locally-produced ingredients served ‘to go’ in the restaurant’s parking lot, as well as more socializing with other BMW owners and enthusiasts outdoors while enjoying the sunshine and temperatures in the low 70s.

Mike Scalice’s classic 5-Series at showing off its kinky side (as in Hofmeister kink) at the Buck Hill Brewery & Restaurant in Blairstown.
Photo by Rich Altman
A line-up of classic 5-Series outside the Buck Hill Brewery & Restaurant.
Photo by Taylor Youngblood

After lunch, the group continued north on NJ Route 94 and US Route 206 to Angry Erik Brewing in Hampton Township to sample their variety of craft beers and another opportunity to display their vehicles in the brewery’s parking lot. The brewers at Angry Erik Brewing have been prolific while the tasting room has had to remain closed due to restrictions on indoor activities and social gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic and have more than 15 varieties of tasty traditional American and Belgian style ales available ‘to go’ in cans and growlers, including their own variety of “All Together” IPA derived from a recipe from Other Half Brewing in Brooklyn. Proceeds from the sale of “All Together” — a tasty juice bomb IPA filled with lots of hop aroma and haze — benefit the New Jersey-based ‘Brewery Strong’ charity to support people in the brewing, bar, and restaurant industries that have struggled during the COVID-19 pandemic.

At Angry Erik Brewing in Hampton Township.
Photo by Taylor Youngblood

Al Mancuso’s M5 at Angry Erik Brewing in Hampton Township.
Photo by Rich Altman

Leaving Angry Erik Brewing, the convoy continued north towards the northwest corner of New Jersey on US Route 206 and split up into two groups. One group turned south just before crossing the Delaware River and headed south to eMpower through the national park; one group took the scenic route (.. in other words, we missed the left turn ..) and headed over the Delaware River on the historic Dingman’s Ferry Bridge before turning south on US Route 209.

Heading south through Walpack in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area.
Photo by Taylor Youngblood

Club Happenings


NJ Chapter Westlake School Donation

Winter 2020

Pictured making the presentation to Westlake School are (L-R): Terry Foppert (Superintendent, UCESC), Neil Gambony, Claudine Tantillo (Principal, Westlake School), Ross Karlin, Larry Engel, Jeff
White, Stan Mayer.

NJ BMWCCA Club Sponsor

Club Happenings – Winter 2020: NJ Chapter Westlake School Donation


Several members of the club recently represented the NJ Chapter at the Westlake School, a public school specializing in serving students that have multiple disabilities, to make a charitable donation from the club to the school.

Pictured are (L-R): Terry Foppert (Superintendent, Union County Educational Services Commission), Neil Gambony, Claudine Tantillo (Principal, Westlake School), Ross Karlin, Larry Engel, Jeff White, and Stan Mayer. Photo by Eric Larson.

Club Happenings – Winter 2018: January Meeting at Shade Tree Garage


By Neil Gambony

Vice-President Paul Ngai got off to a great start with NJ BMW CCA Club meetings for 2018 with the January 25th meeting held at Shade Tree Garage, located in Morristown NJ. The owner of Shade Tree, John O’Connor, hosted over 50 Club members and prospective members to an educational meeting with chief technician Phil Eng speaking. Phil still works with Shade Tree when his schedule permits; he is now teaching the next generation of technicians at a vocational technical school.

Photo by Neil Gambony

The topic for the evening was automotive coding, programming and initiation, pertaining to BMW cars. Phil’s program was informational and entertaining. Is your car trying to tell you something but you don’t know what it is? Phil explained several scanning tools that could be used starting with a basic code reader at $40 all the way up to a $7000 unit. We also learned that Shade Tree needed one of those for each manufacture of car they work on, yikes! I’ll concede the subject matter was a little over my comprehension level, but it was certainly made clear that problems that arise with your automobile are best left to professionals unless you have the proper diagnostic equipment.

Photo by Neil Gambony

I would like to thank Phil Eng, John O’Connor and Shade Tree Garage for having our Club meeting with them. We have been there before with Phil speaking and will look forward to the future when they may have us back again.

Club Happenings – Fall 2019: Whack Your Turkey Rally


By Jeff White

It was a cold and rainy morning on the last Sunday in November when an intrepid group of 52 club members, friends and family gathered in Flemington to run the NJ Chapter’s annual Whack Your Turkey rally. Once again, the rally was being run as a charity event to benefit NORWESCAP, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping low income families in northwest New Jersey through a variety of services including a food bank and nutrition assistance.

First time Rallymasters Tim Farnsworth and Rob Chrzanowski decided that having run as participants for many years, it was time to sit on the other side of the scorer’s table and be the fiendish clue-masters. The rally route began at the Flemington circle and sent us through a combination of winding back roads searching for clues connected by stretches of higher speed country roads where drivers and navigators could catch their breath and just drive.

Where can you put gas in your tank? Photo by Rob Chrzanowski.
Where does the R.V. get its mail? Photo by Rob Chrzanowski.

We enjoyed views of Flemington, surrounding farms, Stanton, up to Quakertown and then around Clinton. It is likely that this route set a new NJ Chapter record for the most single lane bridges crossed in a single drive – some of which were beautiful, old iron bridges. We finished at the Clinton Station Diner where early arrivals filled the antique rail car dining area with the overflow crowd in the main dining room.

When all the scores were tallied (and pleas for alternate answers denied), the class winners were announced. In the Competition Class, Andy and Liz Potechko edged out the runner-up team of Neil Gambony and Ross Karlin out of a field of 11 teams. Their prize was a pair of watches. In Family Class, Joaquim Noronha and family took first place out of a field of 7 teams. Their prize was a 2-year extension to their BMW CCA membership. However, no one went home empty handed as door prizes were available for everyone courtesy of Chapter sponsors and excess Chapter inventory. Most importantly, we raised in excess of $600 for NORWESCAP to provide food assistance for those in need during this holiday season.

If you didn’t make it this year, plan to come next season. It is a great way to see scenic rural roads in NJ that you are likely not to have driven, you can bring the kids and it supports a great cause.

Club Happenings – Fall 2019: BMW of North America Hosts E30 M3 SIGfest and NJ Chapter Cars and Coffee


By Brian Morgan

The New Jersey Chapter’s Cars and Coffee at BMW North America in Woodcliff Lake, NJ on September 21 was an opportunity to see old friends, check out an impressive array of BMW’s latest cars and motorcycles, get a close look at several iconic BMW race cars, and spend time with BMW’s knowledgeable product experts and with their tech people, both one-on-one and in seminars. Of course there were the BMWs of the 150+ members who came to NA, making up a car show of their own in the parking lot. And there was more; SIGFest shared the space with Cars and Coffee, bringing 60 E30 M3s to the party.

Photo by Klaus Schnitzer

The event began at 8:00 AM on a sunny Saturday morning. At 8:00 the new cars were already parked outside BMW NA’s Technical Training Center. Among them were coupe and convertible M8s, an M2 Competition, an M850i xDrive Gran Coupe, a 330i xDrive SportsWagon, an X3M, and many others. There were two Minis, a Cooper S and a Cooper S electric, and there was a beautifully turned out E28 M5.

Four race cars were being rolled out as the day began. There was the Stars and Stripes M3 GTR from 2001, an example of the legendary Le Mans-winning V12 LMR, a PTG Group E36 M3, and the 2017 M6 GTLM that Bill Auberlen drove in his 400th race at Petit Le Mans in 2017 (he scored a class win, sharing the car with Alexander Sims and Kuno Wittmer). The car, replete with race grime, was parked at the front of the driveway into the tech center. BMW tech people were available in bays in the training center to answer questions and to provide a close-up look at cars, engines, and more. Over the course of the day four seminars were offered, including one each on BMW electrical systems, InFotainment and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, BMW Chassis design, and BMW drivetrains.

Photo by Klaus Schnitzer

SIGFest, the E30 M3 special interest group, occupied the lawn outside the tech center. Walking onto the lawn, participants first encountered two very rare E30 M3 cabriolets, one owned by event organizer James Liu, who put the 20th anniversary SIGFest together along with co-chair Tony Rausch. Next to it was Mike Gallino’s beautifully restored ’91 cabriolet; the amazing story of Gallino’s restoration odyssey was reported in Roundel way back in 2011. The car still looks every bit as good as it did then. Eric Heinrich’s Gulfliveried E30 M3 race car sat near the two cabs. Beyond them on the lawn was a fantastic array of E30 M3s ranging from garage queens to daily drivers (well, maybe not every day, but there was a class called “Road Warrior” for high mileage, frequently driven cars). Mike Gallino’s cabriolet was judged best in show. A complete list of winners, along with more information on the event, can be found at

Thanks to the team at BMW NA for inviting us to their great facility and for hosting an exceptional event. This was a not-to-be-missed occasion for BMW aficionados.

Club Happenings – Summer 2019: NJ Chapter BMW CCA Provides Parade Lap Rides to Students and Donation to Westlake School


Members of the club attending the HPDE and Club Racing event held by the chapter at New Jersey Motorsports Park in June provided parade lap rides to students from the Westlake School, a public school specializing in serving students that have multiple disabilities.

Photo by Brian Morgan

Club Happenings – Summer 2019: NJ Chapter Holds Social Event at the Deutscher Club of Clark


The club held a social event at the Deutscher Club of Clark where members of the NJ Chapter enjoyed the warm weather and fine German cuisine and beverages served by the Deutscher Club of Clark and an opportunity to display their cars.

Photo by Paul Ngai.
Photo by Paul Ngai.
Photo by Paul Ngai.

Club Happenings – Summer 2019: Monthly Meeting at TySpeed Automotive


The club held its monthly meeting at TySpeed Automotive in Jackson, NJ, where chapter member and TySpeed Owner/Operator Tyler Pappas demonstrated the neverending passion, skill, and dedication of working with the BMW brand that his team delivers to each and every customer to drive through the shop door.

Photo by Paul Ngai.

TySpeed will be participating in the Broadmoor Pikes Peak International Hill Climb, which will be held June 23rd through June 30th in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Photo by Paul Ngai.

Club Happenings – Spring 2019: Cars and Coffee with Erik Wensberg


By David Hauter

NJ Chapter members came out on a blustery but nice Saturday in late April for a Cars & Coffee get-together, which was a great way to spend a weekend morning. The gathering in Somerset brought out a great selection of BMWs past and present, including a pair of beautiful E36 M3 Lightweights, the new M2 Competition, a classic 6 Series and an i8. It was a great time of car talk and camaraderie and the highlight of the day was the presence of Erik Wensberg, who capped off the morning with a very entertaining talk.

Erik was the M Brand Manager at BMW of North America from 1985-1998. He directed the transition of the E30 M3 to the E36 3 Series, oversaw the development of the dominant racing programs with the E36 M3 and Team PTG in the late 1990’s, and was largely responsible for BMW of North America’s “Classic” collection that now includes a wide range of cars including everything from the CSL racer of the 1970s to the E36, E46 and E92 M3s and the McLaren F1 GTR that raced at Le Mans in 1996 among many others. Erik is still heavily involved in cars and motorsport. He’s an advisor to the BMW CCA Foundation Trustees and is also a member of the Board of Governors at Lime Rock Park.

Erik Wensburg

Erik told some great stories of his adventures while working at BMW NA, including his first experience with the classic race cars. “When I was at the company for a month, I got a phone call from a guy in Connecticut and he said they had a lot of stuff in storage for us and didn’t know what we wanted to do with it and I should come take a look,” he says. “So I go to Brookfield, Connecticut and was taken to a dingy storage barn and I peered inside and see a 320i Turbo sitting on the ground with no wheels on it, a March GTP car on the side and all these boxes everywhere. I realized there were half a dozen cars in there that we used to race in North America and they’re covered with an inch of dust. They said they were told that all of it was going to be given to a boy’s technical school to learn how to cut and drill. I said the hell they are and told them to lock the door and no one goes in until I tell them what to do. The company’s competitive DNA was rotting in a warehouse in Connecticut and we had to do something about it.” With Erik’s persistence, most of those cars were restored, are still owned by BMW NA today and are worth millions. More importantly, they provide a direct link to BMW NA’s motorsport heritage like nothing else could.

If you ever get a chance to see Erik Wensberg, it’s definitely something you don’t want to miss. The Cars & Coffee event was great fun and also a great success, as auction items

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