Upcoming Events

Our first Cars & Coffee of the 2025 season! Meet us at Detailing World in Springfiled NJ at 9am. This event is open to members and non-members. All BMWs are welcome! Make some new friends and celebrate BMW with us! March 22 9am - 12pm Detailing World NJ 355C US-22, Springfield, NJ 07081
Our second Cars & Coffee of the 2025 season will be at the new Stable Energies new location in Saddle Brook. This event is open to members and non-members. All BMWs are welcome! Bring out your friends and family. March 29 9am – 12pm Stable Energies 289 N Midland Ave, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663
Our first Auto-x (Autocross) event will be April 6th 2025 at TD Bank Ballpark.

Friday, Apr 11 — Sunday, Apr 13, 2024


Driver School Sponsor

KIES Motorsports

NJ/NY Driver School/Inst. Training School SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! The NJ/NY season opens April 11-13 Driver School (All 3 days at Thunderbolt). A Friday track day for Advanced Solo students (pre-approval required) and for Instructors at Thunderbolt AND a Test & Tune day on Friday for Club Racers! NEW THIS YEAR: SINGLE DAY REGISTRATION FOR SATURDAY OR SUNDAY!! Back by popular demand: Our special Introduction to the Track group for new students on Sunday. Driver School: The regular driver school portion of the event will be on the weekend of April 12-13. No need to take 2 days off work to start the season. You have no excuse not to come on out, knock the rust off your driving and reinforce all the good things you learned last year. The Driver School portion of the event will have 3 student run groups so there will be ample track space for everyone. Weekend Single Day Student Registration: This season we are allowing single day registrations for students on Saturday or Sunday. We recognize that not everyone is able to devote an entire weekend to a driver school. While we believe that students get maximum fun and learning by participating for 2 days, we also believe that any fun at the track is better than none! Come on out and experience the excitement of what you and your car can do. Friday configuration: For Friday, we will not run the chicane in turn 3. This is the configuration will we run for our June DE and Club Race. If you have not run Thunderbolt since the re-paving, you should come out and do so. Turn 1 is wider, smoother and faster and various other parts of the track have been modified for better lap times. Driver School: The regular driver school portion of the event will be on the weekend of April 12-13. No need to take 2 days off work to start the season. You have no excuse not to come on out, knock the rust off your driving and reinforce all the good things you learned last year. The Driver School portion of the event will have 3 student run groups so there will be ample track space for everyone. Weekend Single Day Student Registration: This season we are allowing single day registrations for students on Saturday or Sunday. We recognize that not everyone is able to devote an entire weekend to a driver school. While we believe that students get maximum fun and learning by participating for 2 days, we also believe that any fun at the track is better than none! Come on out and experience the excitement of what you and your car can do. Friday configuration: For Friday, we will not run the chicane in turn 3. This is the configuration will we run for our June DE and Club Race. If you have not run Thunderbolt since the re-paving, you should come out and do so. Turn 1 is wider, smoother and faster and various other parts of the track have been modified for better lap times. Friday Solo day: On Friday there will be 6 hours of track time for instructors who wish to get in some extra track time and for approved advanced Solo students. Solo students will only see the option for this registration if they are pre-approved (contact the Registrar). Instructors who are only driving on Friday and not instructing for the weekend must pay the student fee. Friday Track Familiarzation for Club Racers: Also on Friday we will provide 4 sessions for club racers only to get additional practice time in without the chicane and on the new surface. We understand this is just one day of track time but many of our racers are also instructors so come down for the weekend, get preparation for the June race then stay and instruct. Introduction to the Track (Sunday only): On Sunday we will be holding a special school for students who have never been to the track. This event was offered for the first-time in 2009 and was a run-away success. We have designed this event to encourage students who are new to the track to try out our Driver School program. The Driver School Committee understands that there are hurdles for “first-time” students to overcome to try one of our events and so we have designed this school to reduce those hurdles as much as possible. First, the event is being held locally. Hotel rooms in the Millville area are relatively low priced and, for students who live in southern NJ/PA, you could even get up early and drive down the morning of the event. Second, we are offering reduced registration fees to our First Timers so that you pay just $385 for Sunday-only. You will not find a better rate to get out on the track with personalized instruction anywhere. Third, this event will have a dedicated run group solely for First Time students. This arrangement will allow instruction on the track and in the classroom to be specific for First Time students and will provide a smaller run group for First Time students allowing better spacing on the track. Fourth, for our First Time students, we may also be able to loan you a helmet for the event. Fifth and finally, each First Time student will be assigned a Mentor who will contact you prior to the event and be a point of contact to answer any questions you might have before you arrive. Every year we have held this event, each new student leaves with a huge smile on their face. Garage Rentals, Camping, Electric: Garage spaces are available to rent on all days. Sign up during registration. Camping and electric are provided for free by the chapter for anyone planning to stay in the paddock.  

KIES Motorsports is our featured sponsor of the April Driver School

Our second Auto-X (Autocross) event will be May 25th 2024 at TD Bank Ballpark.

Monday, June 2 — Tuesday, June 3, 2024

NJ / NY Dual Chapter Event

Driver School Sponsor


  WE ARE RUNNING WITHOUT THE CHICANE! Please come join us for our traditional annual June Club Race/Driver School to benefit the Westlake School to be held at our home track at New Jersey Motorsports Park in Millville, NJ. The event will be held on Thunderbolt Raceway, which is a 14 turn, 2.25 mile road course designed by the owners of VIR with help from the legendary Carroll Shelby. Since 2008 a number of professional racing series have held events at Thunderbolt Raceway.  This is a perfect spectator event given the proximity of the track to the majority of our members, the excitement of Club Racing and the joy of the kids from the Westlake School who come as our guests. Take a personal day and come out to the track! Driver School: We anticipate a full school for this event based on our success of past years. Also note that we will have a total of 4 races over the two days and will only be able to offer 2 student run groups.  To accommodate the maximum number of students possible, there may be a greater range of driving skills than usual in each group. If you send a payment and we cannot accommodate you, you will receive a full refund (i.e., a cancellation fee will not be assessed). As always, acceptance preference is based upon the date your payment is received by the registrar. REGISTER EARLY TO SECURE YOUR PLACE IN THE SCHOOL! For the first time, we are offering single day student registrations for either Monday or Tuesday! While we still believe that you will get maximum fun and learning by participating in both days, we also understand that not everyone is able to come for two days. Come out and join us for what is always a fun event. Spectators: You are welcome to attend the event and watch - no charge for spectators and we may be able to get you a ride on track with an instructor!

Driver School Sponsor


Our third Auto-X (Autocross) event will be June 22nd 2025 at TD Bank Ballpark.

Save the date!

The New Jersey Chapter will host a Tire Rack Street Survival School on Sunday, June, 29th at Campgaw Reservation ski area in Mahwah, NJ. Tire Rack Street Survival is a program designed for drivers age 16-21 with a valid learners permit or license.  It combines behind-the-wheel sessions that simulate real world emergencies with classroom instruction to reinforce the lessons.  Trained coaches ride along with students during the driving sessions. Tire Rack Street Survival teaches lessons that most students don’t get in traditional driver education courses.  At the end of the one-day school, students will gain skills needed to anticipate dangerous situations on the road and learn how to best control their vehicle to avoid trouble in unexpected situations. Students are encouraged to use the car they normally drive for this school.  The session begins at 8:30 am and ends by 4:00 pm.  Students are expected to stay for the entire session.  A pizza lunch and drinks are provided.

Friday, Jul 11 — Sunday, Jul 13, 2024

NJ / NCC Dual Chapter Event SPECIAL 3-DAY EVENT IN COLLABORATION WITH NATIONAL CAPITAL CHAPTER! Geoff Atkinson Memorial Driver School and Club Race: Please come join us for the Twelfth Annual Geoff Atkinson Memorial Driver School and Club Race. We are planning a special celebration of our friend Geoff Atkinson - please come out and make this an event to remember. Our annual combined Driver School and Club race at Summit Point Raceway has become the NJ Chapter’s second tradition (behind our June race/school). Summit Point Raceway is in the rolling hills of the northeast corner of West Virginia near Harper’s Ferry. While West Virginia sounds like a long drive, for many NJ members it is, in fact, not any further driving time than to Palmer or Watkins Glen. The School and the Club Race divide track time between student run groups in the School and Race run groups. So, when you’re not on the track or in the classroom, you can take time to watch the racing. We may run 3 student groups for this event but based on recent racer participation, we expect two racer run groups and consequently only 2 student run groups. Be sure to register early to lock-in your place in the school! Please note also that we will allow open face helmets (Snell2015 or newer) for this event. Friday Open track for Advanced Solo students and Instructors: There are two ways to drive on Friday in the Advanced Solo / Instructor run group. If you are a Solo student or instructor with the NJ Chapter, you can register here. If you are a member of NCC, you may receive an email from them to participate on Friday. If so, please register on NCC's site: NCC Friday Event . Make it 3 days on track! Attendance is limited so register now.  
Our fourth Auto-X (Autocross) event will be July 20th 2025 at TD Bank Ballpark.
Our fifth Auto-X (Autocross) event will be August 17th 2024 at TD Bank Ballpark.

Save the date!

Friday, September 12 - Sunday, 14, 2025

Our sixth Auto-X (Autocross) event will be September 28th 2025 at TD Bank Ballpark.
Our seventh and final Auto-X (Autocross) event will be October 12th 2025 at TD Bank Ballpark.

Save the date!

Our second Tire Rack Street Survival school of the year will be held on Sunday, October 19th from 8:30 - 4:00 at Campgaw Ski Area in Mahwah. Designed for drivers age 16-21, the school is open to anyone with a valid permit or license.  It makes young drivers better drivers by a combination of classroom and behind the wheel simulations of emergency situations.  Students are encouraged to use the car they normally drive.

Pinewood Derby and Holiday Party!

Join us for our annual Pinewood Derby & Holiday Party on Tuesday, December 2nd!
This has been a club tradition for over 30 years. Bring out your Pinewood Derby winner from your scouting days or build a new one. Plenty of good fun and competition to be had.
Kids are welcome and encouraged to attend. This is a very family friendly event.
We will be serving complimentary German food and beverages are available for purchase. The food is fantastic and save room for dessert!

Date: Tuesday December 2nd, 2025 Location: Deutscher Club in Clark, NJ Time: 6:30 pm

Pinewood Derby Rules: Cars must use official BSA Pinewood Derby wheels and axles. Cars must meet following specifications: – 5 oz maximum – 7″ max length – 2 3/4″ max width – 3/8″ clearance – powdered graphite the only permitted lube.
Pinewood Derby kits are available at most hobby stores that handle Cub Scout supplies. You can make your own entry, or you can let your kids help. This is a highly competitive NJ Chapter tradition, with many champ series points at stake. Make an entry, or come out and watch.
See you there!