July Summit Point Main – NJ/NCC – Driver School, Solo Day & Club Race
Friday, Jul 11 — Sunday, Jul 13, 2024
NJ / NCC Dual Chapter Event
Geoff Atkinson Memorial Driver School and Club Race: Please come join us for the Twelfth Annual Geoff Atkinson Memorial Driver School and Club Race. We are planning a special celebration of our friend Geoff Atkinson – please come out and make this an event to remember. Our annual combined Driver School and Club race at Summit Point Raceway has become the NJ Chapter’s second tradition (behind our June race/school). Summit Point Raceway is in the rolling hills of the northeast corner of West Virginia near Harper’s Ferry. While West Virginia sounds like a long drive, for many NJ members it is, in fact, not any further driving time than to Palmer or Watkins Glen. The School and the Club Race divide track time between student run groups in the School and Race run groups. So, when you’re not on the track or in the classroom, you can take time to watch the racing.
We may run 3 student groups for this event but based on recent racer participation, we expect two racer run groups and consequently only 2 student run groups. Be sure to register early to lock-in your place in the school!
Please note also that we will allow open face helmets (Snell2015 or newer) for this event.
Friday Open track for Advanced Solo students and Instructors: There are two ways to drive on Friday in the Advanced Solo / Instructor run group. If you are a Solo student or instructor with the NJ Chapter, you can register here. If you are a member of NCC, you may receive an email from them to participate on Friday. If so, please register on NCC’s site: NCC Friday Event . Make it 3 days on track! Attendance is limited so register now.