DRIVING EVENTS POLICY UPDATE The following policy has been adopted by the BMW CCA National Board of Directors regarding ALL driving events/programs: 1. Chapters MUST comply with, and adhere to, ALL Federal, State and local mandates, as well as conform to all specific facility requirements in force at the time of the event. 2. Chapters are allowed to use in-car instruction or have other dual-occupant driving events when both participants in the car have been fully vaccinated and are at least 14 days post final vaccination. 3. Chapters are required to both obtain and retain proof of the vaccination status of all participants who claim to meet the vaccination criteria. Ideally, the document should be uploaded to the participant’s registration page; however, a photograph or photocopy of the document would be acceptable. (The BMW CCA is not a healthcare service provider to the individual, so HIPAA codes do not apply to here) 4. Chapters shall use unique and easily identifiable wristbands for ALL parties that meet the vaccination requirements. 5. On the Chapter’s event & registration pages for any dual-occupant driving events, the Chapter shall make it VERY clear to all participants that in-car instruction is completely optional to them and they are free to decline having someone else in their car. So that the participant’s choice regarding this is both made clear to the Chapter and documented, Chapters shall have an “Opt-In/Opt Out” choice on the registration page/form for in-car instructional. 6. Chapters may allow people of the same household to be within the same vehicle for instruction regardless of their vaccination status. The parties must be currently cohabitating and are lodging together while attending the event. 7. Social distancing at a minimum of 6 ft. and the use of masks worn over both the nose and mouth are still required of all parties when out of the car. 8. Individuals who do not meet the vaccination criteria are not allowed to be incar with another individual, vaccinated or not, except in the situation described in #6. Chapters shall not make any agreement with participants to waive liability to contravene this requirement. The National Board of Directors also recommends the following: • Chapters should consider special wristbands for participants that both qualify and have “opt’d in” for In-car instruction. • Chapters should consider the possibility of the sharing of a car between 2 participants and the complications that can present. Because of this, Chapters should have an expressed policy and/or contingency plan in place for “shared cars” with drivers that may or may not both be vaccinated. • Chapters should develop a plan regarding a situation where a participant has opt’d in for in-car instruction but changes their mind at the event or at the last minute. It is highly recommended that Chapters post their policy and any solution they find appropriate regarding this on the registration page, as well as making it known at the instructor’s and driver’s meeting so everyone is aware of what they can expect should this take place. • Chapters should have a question on the registration form asking the registrant for Mfg. and the date(s) of each vaccination shot given. They should also be aware that Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine only requires one injection. Novavax, Moderna, PfizerBioNTech & Oxford-AstraZeneca require 2 injections. Again, Chapters need to be aware of the different efficacy rates for Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine vs. the 2 dose vaccines. (28 vs 14 days, respectively.) • Chapters should be allowed to determine the method in which they obtain proof of the vaccination status of all participants who claim to meet the vaccination criteria. • Regardless of the method of verification, the Chapter should create and retain a method of documentation as to how the Chapter verified each person’s individual vaccination status. (For example: roster/check list with columns of the Chapter’s choice of acceptable methods of satisfaction to be checked off once presented) |
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