Bimmers at Carlisle hosted by the Nittany Bimmers Chapter of the BMW CCA


May 10 – 11, 2024 

Bimmers at Carlisle hosted by the Nittany  Bimmers Chapter of the BMW CCA 

The Nittany Bimmers are hosting a BMW CCA Regional Event in Carlisle, PA. Last year we had  a great turn out, so we are planning for an even larger BMW show field this year. Owners can  exhibit their cars, socialize with members, and see over 1700 unique and stunning imported  vehicles of current and historic makes. There will also be vendors for performance products, car  care products, a flea market, and accessories displayed throughout the infield show area. 

Several Import & Performance Nationals exhibition events are also planned. This will include drive  through judging, autocross, drifting, exhaust competition, and more. Tickets are available at A QR link can also be found below. You’ll see a choice for Non-Judged  Showfield at the Import and Performance Nationals. When registering, make sure you select  “BMW CCA/NITTANY BIMMERS” as your club. This will get you into the corral. Entry fee for the  2-day Friday-Saturday event is $45 plus handling.  

This year the Nittany Bimmers plan to have discussion sessions, BMW technical information, and  car care presentations by some of our vendors in our expanded covered tent area. 

For those who come into town early before the show, we are planning to meet at the Rolls  Royce Foundation Museum on Thursday, May 9th in nearby Mechanicsburg.  ( 

There will also be options for tour visits to the amazing Antique Automobile Club of America  Museum in Hershey ( One tour is planned for Saturday  afternoon and a second tour is being offered Sunday morning. 

ACCA Museum Hershey PA 

Tour and Museum visits registration: 

Thursday May 9 tour: Rolls Royce Foundation Museum (  in nearby Mechanicsburg PA. 

We will have a private tour at 5:00 PM to see the museum and learn about what the foundation  is doing to preserve the brand’s history. The museum will be closed the next two days since they  will be moving several of their cars to the Import & Performance Event for display.

Friday May 10 and Saturday May 11: Rolls Royce Museum exhibit at the show. Friday and Saturday at 4:00 PM there is the possibility to have a BMW CCA group presentation  at the Rolls Royce Museum exhibit at the show. Please register if you have an interest in one  of these discussion opportunities on either Friday or Saturday at 4:00 PM 

Saturday May 11 and Sunday May 12: Antique Automobile Club of America Museum. We will be offering two options to travel to nearby Hershey to visit the Antique Automobile Club  of America Museum in Hershey ( 

The first tour on Saturday will depart from the show at 2:00 PM and a second tour option on  Sunday morning will depart from the hotel at 10:00 AM.  

A group discount rate has been arranged for the BMW CCA. You will pay at the museum: 

To register for any of the above events please scan the QR Code or click the “Register” link below: 

May 09 

Registration for Museum Tours at Bimmers at  Carlisle Hosted by the BMWCCA Nittany Bimmers 

Registration is required for each event. 



Saturday May 11: BMW CCA / Nittany Bimmers group dinner. 

The Nittany Bimmers invite show attendees to join us for a buffet dinner at our host hotel, the  Carlisle Comfort Suites Hotel. 10 S. Hanover Street, Carlisle, PA, 17013, US Happy Hour will be from 6:30 to 7:30 with dinner following. There will be a cash bar and the  buffet will be $49 per person, payment will be collected when you register.

Featured Dinner Speaker Steve Saxty – “Inside BMW’s Secret World” Steve Saxty recently published a three volume set entitled “BMW Behind the Scenes”, which will  be featured in a review by David Lightfoot in the upcoming issue of Roundel. You won’t want to  miss hearing Steve’s stories about BMW’s secrets! 

To register for the dinner please scan the QR Code 

or click the “Register” link below: 

May 11 

Registration for Group Dinner at Bimmers at  Carlisle 

Hosted by the BMWCCA Nittany Bimmers 

Featuring guest speaker, Steve Saxty author of the  book, BMW By Design. 

Registration is required for this event.




You can also contact Barry Natwick at: if you have any questions. 

Board of Directors 

Nittany Bimmers BMW CCA



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